Wednesday is National Canadian Film Day, so director Michael McGowan (One Week, Still Mine and the new All My Puny Sorrows) is here to celebrate Gus Van Sant's secretly Canadian 1997 drama Good Will Hunting. Your genial host Norm Wilner is feeling pretty good about these apples.
It's National Canadian Film Day on Wednesday, and filmmaker Michael McGowan -- director of Saint Ralph, One Week, Still Mine and now All My Puny Sorrows , which opened in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal last weekend and reaches Winnipeg this Friday, April 22nd -- is here to celebrate Gus Van Sant's Good Will Hunting, the secretly Canadian 1997 drama that won Robin Williams his only Oscar and catapulted screenwriters Matt Damon and Ben Affleck to superstardom. Your genial host Norm Wilner is a little uneasy about the Harvey Weinstein of it all, but he offers a distraction by reminding you that the Someone Else's Movie: Year One collection is still just $20 at . Hours of listening fun! Packed with Canadian talent! How do you like them apples?